1 名前:
黒トラ(愛知県)[] 投稿日:2012/06/08(金) 15:38:12.22 ID:0cZqeUGL0
Welfare Payments Spur Japan Debate
The image of Junichi Komoto apologizing in front of TV cameras for
allowing his mother to stay on welfare captured national attention
The 37-year-old comedian was criticized by talk-show hosts
and politicians for not providing sufficiently for his own mother
despite his financial success. He once boasted paying \1.9 million (about $24,000)
for a pair of watches and talked about his binge drinking at an exclusive Tokyo club.
He admitted his mother collected welfare payments for 15 years, until April,
and offered to pay back what he felt he should have provided in financial
support once his income began to grow in recent years. Mr. Komoto didn't
break any law; close family members with means are asked to help those in need,
but the government has no legal authority to enforce such payments.
If we keep allowing this kind of wrongdoing to persist, the cost of the program will soon exceed \5 trillion.
The Wall Street Journal June 7, 2012, 2:09 p.m. ET
http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052702303296604577449731690922766.html?mod=WSJASIA_hpp_MIDDLETopNews8 名前:
ターキッシュアンゴラ(新潟県)[] 投稿日:2012/06/08(金) 15:40:31.44 ID:g7jWiEi/0
それができないならやめちまえよ面白く無いんだよ25 名前:
メインクーン(catv?)[] 投稿日:2012/06/08(金) 15:45:58.83 ID:fcxslYAF0
全米公式デビューやん。ナマポ芸人の誉れや。63 名前:
スノーシュー(東京都)[sage] 投稿日:2012/06/08(金) 16:06:20.35 ID:pXbu5lCS0
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